Magnolias, again…

My precious George, who still tolerates me calling him Georgie, reminded me of a time we were visiting Grandma. The kids, yes I know kids are baby goats, but children behave very much like baby goats, found a baby owl that had fallen out of her magnolia tree.

Well, you can imagine the commotion!

“Grandma!” “Mommy!” They called as they came running in the back door. “Come see! There’s a baby owl in the yard by the magnolia tree.”

And sure enough, there was this tiny fluffy white-faced barn owl sitting on the ground under Grandma’s magnolia tree looking up at us quite not sure what was happening. Mom put on her garden gloves and gently lifted the tiny owlet to make sure it was all right. Other than it fell out of its nest and could not fly yet, it seemed perfectly all right. Its parents were no where to be seen.

“Let’s get a box we can put it in and I will take it to the zoo so they can care for it until it is old enough to fly and be set free,” Grandma said. So off we went to the zoo to deliver the owlet to safety and recovery.

Now many of you are wondering what this has to do with our cottage in Gloversville. Well, George and I were texting about daily events and he commented he was enjoying the blog. Then he sent, “Maybe you’ll get an Owl to live in it.”

Momentarily I was confused. “Owl to live in what? Oh, the magnolia tree!”

But, I had forgotten about the baby owlet who had fallen out of the tree. About an hour later I remembered the adventure of the owl and the magnolia tree at Grandma’s… I love when memories are triggered and adorable days of yore are restored for a few more precious moments. So when the owl does appear in our magnolia in New York will it be the cute common barn owl we found in Tennessee or one of the more exotic owls; like the Barred Owl, the Great Horned Owl, a Long or Short Eared Owl, a Northern Saw Whet Owl, an Eastern Screech Owl, or a lovely Snowy Owl?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someday we had another owl in our lovely magnolia in Gloversville…

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