
As we dream about our new home there are still the practicalities of our day to day life here. The sorting, the packing, the giving away… Which items stay? Which items go?

No need to take our bookcases as almost all of our extensive library has been moved to “The Cloud” and is available through either Kindle or Nook on our iPads or iPhones. The few we kept are in focused subject areas, i.e., cooking, word origins, or gardening. So four lovely bookcases need a new home.

And, the chef’s table we purchased so I could be next to Josh while I cooked? Our Josh no longer needs me to be in one spot and I won’t need it in Gloversville. Besides, I will have a built in island. One chef’s table needs to find a new home in Honolulu.

A laser printer and two iPads could help someone else achieve a broader view of the world through assistive technology.

Then, the freezer… it is a small upright that works beautifully, but would not be practical for the amount of freezing we plan to do in Gloversville. Freezer must go!

Where should these items find new homes? My first thought is always Easter Seals Hawaii They walked with us through thick and thin. Any small way we could begin to repay the un-repayable…

Josua at Assistive Technology Conference in Washington D.C.

We believe the printer and iPads could help with the assistive technology portion of the Easter Seals Program. Assistive technology has opened the world up to so many people with disabilities that if we can help in any small way, we are grateful. Without assistive technology, Josh’s abilities and world would have been almost non-existent. He loved assistive technology and strived to share with the world how it could make a difference as long as he could. Each year he displayed how different programs could help people learn at the PacRim Conference until his health dictated otherwise. One call confirms that our laser printer and iPads have found homes.

Joshua with Judith Heumann, Asst. Sec of the Office of Special Education & Rehabilitation Services, US Dept. of Ed.

Then, we check with the day program where preparing meals is an important skill to learn in order to live independently. Yes, they can use the chef’s table and the bookcases.

Easter Seals cannot use the freezer, but one of the wonderful people who work there could use it. So all of our items have found new homes. One more task completed!

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