We are back…

Well, it has been six weeks since we posted anything. So many of you have asked when we would be back. We did not want to keep stopping and starting several times. Until we had enough to share with you that we could update you on our progress consistently we stayed on hiatus.

During our six week break Scott brought home a nasty bug from school that laid him up for several days. He generously shared it with me and stayed home several more days to take care of me. We both hacked for a couple more weeks but were very fortunate it was nothing more serious than a nasty bug…

That was one of the big adventures of our break… But, all moves are easier talked about than accomplished… whether it is around the city or across the country.

Easter Seals… Bless their hearts! They wanted the chef’s table… they wanted the bookcases… they wanted the freezer… But… how would they pick-up all these items up?

In this day of SUVs fewer people have pick-ups… at least in Hawai’i. And, our seven foot tall bookcases will not fit in any of the SUVs to which they had access! We need the items removed so we can complete packing for our move! They need the items! It is as simple yet as complicated, as that.

Their coordinator of “challenging projects,” Eric Arveson, called places he knew and people he knew… to no avail. Every few days he would call me and say…

“Still working on it!”

“Think I might have a truck.”

“Having trouble coordinating truck and volunteers”

Finally, he called, “Have the truck!”

A few days later he called, “Have the volunteers!” We scheduled pick-up. He coordinated the truck and volunteers! The night before pick-up we were informed that the driveway around our condo was being repaved that day and there could not be any pick-ups or deliveries! Foiled, again!

Taking a step back… we regrouped. Eric spent the next few days coordinating volunteers for a second attempt. People are busy!

In this day and age, ANYONE who volunteers really is an angel! Taking time out of today’s busy schedules to help someone else takes real commitment.

Finally, Eric found two wonderful men killing to squeeze some time out of their day to help with our items. They planned to make two trips because they did not think they could squeeze everything in the truck in one trip. When they didn’t arrive for the early pick-up we became concerned. Condos have rules… and… deliveries and pick-ups are at the top of the “rule list.” If it isn’t within the approved time window, pick-ups do not happen.

A little after one in the afternoon, a volunteer arrived at Easter Seals… the second one shortly later. Poor guys… for one, work went longer than expected and the other had to wait for the electric company to complete some repairs. But they hurried over to our condo and within less than half an hour our freezer, chef’s table, and four bookcases were downstairs being loaded on their truck.

For one of the young men moving was a sport! He bear-hugged the freezer and lifted it on the truck by himself as we stood around in awe.

“Thank you!” is so inadequate for these young men, Shaun Clark and Clay Morgan, who offered their services, Eric Arveson, for arranging the pick-up and being a friend to Josh and our family, and Easter Seals for their years of devotion to our son and all the other people who need an extra hand. May the chef’s table, book cases and freezer offer many more years of service…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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