Thank You…

Today we want to start our blog by remembering every single man and woman who sacrificed their life for our country. And, we want to remember each of their family members left behind. You all helped and gave the greatest sacrifice to keep our country safe. Thank you!

saucer magnolia

Yes, I know many of you want to know about the house, but we must also tell you about the progress of the new additions to our yard. So please bear with us as we brag about our trees and bushes…

We are thrilled! Our saucer magnolia has emerged from dormancy and is making itty-bitty leaves… We planted two Blue Princess Holly bushes for food and shelter for our feathered friends through the winter. Both our hawthorn and wisteria are blooming. And our potatoes are breaking through the soil. Our garden is growing prolifically.

potato leaves

Now to have a kitchen so we can prepare our wonderful vegetables.

Kitchen floors… well it turns out that Adirondack Wood Floor Co. has eighteen installation jobs ahead of ours… meaning it would be a miracle if we had flooring by fall… Joe! Larry! We are so blessed! They will be able to install the flooring before fall! So though we were thrown off track for a few minutes, we are now back to making progress on our kitchens! Yay!

These are our countertop selections and ceiling tiles in one picture so you can see how they play off each other.

As we went to enter the house, the back door to our primary kitchen came off its hinges. Age, weather, time… all had taken their toll. Longer screws were found and it was secured in place for the moment. Another needed replacement needed… insulated fiberglass doors on the way…

And, we learned this past weekend that part of our basement wall has crumbled and the house shifted. We are in the process of securing foundation experts to jack up the house and stabilize the foundation.

flowering cherry with salvia

So though we are making progress there are still some monumental challenges ahead…

wisteria violet flowers will produce on these racemes

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Arriving at Tranquility

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