Finally, we have completed the paperwork… with enough proper identification accepted… to become New York State residents. We are officially New York State residents! Yay!
At the bottom of each application everyone is given the option to be an organ donor. We are old, probably not a lot of parts worth harvesting, but any parts still viable are theirs to use to help another human being have a better life. Please sign up to be an organ donor.
New York State has another wonderful option. Signing up to vote the same time you apply for your driver’s license or for a State ID. We are huge proponents in believing that every person eighteen and over should vote. Our Josh voted in every single election and primary from the time he was eighteen until he died. I am seventy-six and this is the first time I missed voting in a primary in my whole life. And, that was only because we did not have the proper identification to register before the primary. We want to encourage each one of you to register to vote. Then, any time your city, your state, or your country’s government holds an election, please make the time to vote… in every single election. We believe voting is a privilege and a responsibility every citizen of every country that allows voting should embrace…