Bakery Advances…

First… Happy Thanksgiving! We want to thank each and every one of you that has followed our adventures. We are so grateful. This is been such a year of transition and you have walked through it with us. Each of you with your wonderful spirits, helped us embrace our challenges, knowing that this too shall pass. Know that each and everyone of you are in our hearts and prayers every day. We love when you stay in touch.
Our bakery… I believe we mentioned that it turned out that several different layers of flooring had been put down over the years. Well, some were really thick… and some were put down without a subfloor. Yes, all in the same room. Joe and Randy have had surprise after surprise as they tore up the old flooring.
One layer had so many nails used, you would have thought it was meant to be an iron floor. As they tore up the area now designated for the bathroom and mud room, they found no sub flooring… just beams. So… they laid sub-flooring. Now tile can be laid in that area.
Then, as they laid the sub-floor for the bakery section, they discovered the floor had a huge hill… right in the middle of the floor. To discover what was causing this monster bump, they went to the basement. They learned that someone, at some point in time, had put a block on one of the basement pillars. A 3/4 inch high block that was now causing a bump… right in the middle of the bakery floor. This was not a slope… not a slight rise… but a genuine sharp hill. To try to lay the flooring with this hill would be impossible. Call Larry McGillis! He came… He looked… He pronounced… “Yes, the block needed to be removed…” So now, we are waiting for Larry to have time to jack up our bakery floor long enough to pull out a block.
In the meantime, walls are going up… our added bathroom has walls… the wall blocking one door going to the dining room has been put up… our bakery is taking shape…

Randy working on wall between bakery and bathroom
Passageway from back door to bakery
Inside of future downstairs bathroom
Future mudroom
Small hallway from second floor and basement to outdoor patio
New wall for bakery… blocking old door to dining room
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