
I so love the approaching winter. I love the rich, dark, heavy Dove hues of growing winter skies… the naked trees lining our avenue, while reaching to the heavens with their weathered branches… embracing this peaceful healing rest… The chill in the air… the coldness on my face… all pulling me into the moment… into the now… the occasional morning surprise of a sparkling white sheet covering what was summer… And, winter hasn’t even arrived yet… just the promissory precursors…

We spoke to Granite & Marble Works about when they might be able to put in the countertop for our primary kitchen. They are aware that I have been without any kitchen since April 2017 when we arrived in New York. They are doing everything in their power to schedule coming to our home the day after the cabinets are installed to take final measurements. Then, they hope they can install our countertops before Christmas. I don’t want to get my hopes too high, but it will be so nice to have one functioning kitchen. At the very least we should have a working kitchen by New Year’s 2018…

Lovely red oak floors from The Adirondack Wood Floor Co. now reside in our bakery, entrance hallway, and back hallway between the basement, bakery and future tea room… Scott can adjust the ceiling height for the bakery and install its pewter ceiling. Tomorrow the men finish the drywall for the inside of the bathroom, then start on the inside of the house basement stairs… Priorities needed to shift so I’m able to set up my pantry in the basement for my soon to be kitchen.

And, we have stirred some interest within the community with the pink light emanating from our second floor laundry room. Curiosity has peaked. Well, the answer is really quite simple and innocent… those pink lights are grow lights for our ginger and turmeric… these same grow lights will also be in our primary kitchen for our herbs…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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