Now Sewing…

Well, we voted yesterday and while we were out… there were snow flurries! Our first falling snow since we’ve arrived in New York. And yes, the temperature is dropping.

Kitchen floors! I did not want to jinx the installation of our floors yesterday, so I did not comment on whether we were expected to make any headway installing them. But Tuesday, the subfloor was installed… Really! The good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, our flooring should be installed today. Here’s proof they are in the process.

Finishing the sewing room painting, then putting the Bernina sewing machine into the sewing table, moving bolts of material, and putting together my mannequin took much longer than we thought it would. So yesterday’s trees that needed to be planted have become today’s trees that need to be planted. Also, Scott is working on putting in a permanent arbor for our wisteria.

So while he is out planting, I am in the swing room organizing. There’s a lot of organizing that needs to be done. But it is such a joy to know that I have something I can actually accomplish! My friend, Anita, gave me her mother’s sewing machine and sewing equipment. So I also have a Singer sewing machine and a Brother sewing machine in the room. Plus, there are tons of bobbins, threads, buttons, and other miscellaneous sewing items that need to be sorted. And we have assorted boxes that were delivered for the sewing room scattered around the house that need to be found. What a treasure hunt!

We put a doggie gate on the sewing room door so the puppies can be with me while I sew. Since I started sewing as a ten year old girl, I have dreamed of having my own sewing room. Because of my precious husband my dreams came true. To say I am in heaven is an understatement…

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