
I know I usually talk about things involved with our cottage, but for a few minutes today, I’d really like to speak about the pesticides we are using in our yards and around our homes. We are not only killing our honeybees that provide us with the pollination that allows us to eat such a wonderful variety food, but we’re killing our precious songbirds that provide us with such lovely antics throughout the day. These precious little birds eat the plants that have been sprayed with these poisons, these toxins, these horrible murderers… and those sprayed plants destroy these precious bird’s stomachs so that they can’t grow… They grow weak… and, they are dying by horrible numbers.

I know everyone wants a beautiful yard, but is it really worth our environment and the lovely feathered friends that make our days beautiful and fun? I ask each of you to rethink before you use any more pesticides… because I assure you that as much as these poisons are hurting our bees and songbirds… they’re hurting us too! Thank you for your indulgence. I so hope you take to heart the damage these poisons are doing to all of us.

Now to our cottage…
We walked through a mockup of our kitchen at John’s, Herrl Woodcraft. We made one or two more adjustments to make the cabinets flow well in our kitchen. One being, that with the unique Smart Workstation Design of our beautiful Rachiele copper sink, it allows for double roll out trash storage bins to be installed under the sink… freeing up another cabinet for storage.

The second adjustment was to analyze all aspects of the kitchen to confirm that there would be no protruding sharp corners. Some of our corners could be possible spots we could bump and, since my skin has thinned, cause a lovely bruise… but John, in his wisdom, has discovered all those corners and angled them so they flow, rather than stick out and poke.

 If all continues on schedule, we should have cabinets in place by around the middle of December…

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