Sewing Room…

For those parts of the country that have elections today, we urge you to exercise your right to vote!

Oh, I so love the phrase “Man plans and God laughs.” I thought we had a plan that the kitchen floor would be laid on Monday and the heating installed on Tuesday. Well, it turns out that our contractor forgot he had a doctor appointment on Monday. Therefore, Tuesday has had be rescheduled. I feel as if God has been rolling on the floor in peals of laughter this whole year. I thought his laughing had subsided somewhat, but apparently he still wants some more chuckles. ?

Scott painted the sewing room walls their lovely helio pink. We’re not worrying about paint on the edges too much… the edges to the windows… the edges to the doorway… The edges to the window seat… or, the fireplace mantle because all paint will be stripped off them to bring them back to their original wood luster. But, we wanted the basics done so I could start sewing. Repairing and painting the trim will be small projects down the road.

Today Scott is out planting more trees. Yes, more trees… Today he is planting a sassafras tree in the back yard outside the primary kitchen window for the constant fragrance it emits, plus it is what root beer used to be made from…

an Autumn Blaze maple…

one more hazelnut, the York Filbert Hazelnut, that is a prolific pollinator… and a Bosc pear tree to add to our other pears. He will be moving the flowering plum from the backyard to the front side yard… and adding a few more ferns along the fence behind the holly bushes. In the side yard that was torn up when the basement was repaired, we are planting vetch for the winter. It will stop that area from becoming a mud pit during the winter and restore nutrients to the ground.

And today, as soon as Scott puts on the second coat of pink, I am beginning the organization of my sewing room… ?

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