Primary Kitchen Backsplash…

Wednesday night, as Scott and I were going over the finishing touches needed to complete our warm romantic primary kitchen, we made an absolutely horrible discovery. The beautiful tile we had picked out for our backsplash was prohibitively expensive for the amount of tiles we needed for our primary kitchen. The backsplash with those magnificent lanterns… in the color we chose… would cost almost as much as the cabinets did. That was unacceptable. Then, as we looked at the cost of our bakery tiles, we realized we had an even more horrific situation going on there.

We looked at the tiles… We looked at each other… we whimpered… then, we decided we must figure out a less expensive solution. We looked at every tile we could find listed on the Internet because we knew that once we found a tile we liked, we could locate a sample of that tile somewhere. The problem was that every tile we looked at that was not cost prohibitive, just didn’t have that “tug at our heartstrings feel” that the tiles we had picked out had. I knew I could be happy with small amounts of paint in our primary kitchen, if it was a color that sang to me. I had already planned on a painted wall in the bakery so that helped.

We knew when it came to tile for a backsplash, Lowe’s had a very limited line, so we thought we’d check Home Depot. They had colors that were in black, white, and beige tones… but no other colors. Now the Home Depot that is in Amsterdam is a very small store so they do have limited room for tile selection choices. We studied every possibility. Suddenly, a shiny black and copper slim-lined combination of tiles caught our eye. It would go with the black countertops, the copper ceiling, and reflect light. We purchased one sheet to bring home to see if we could be pleased with the result. . It went amazingly well.

All we had left to accomplish was a decision on a contrasting color for the primary kitchen… Behr’s Tuscan Teal.

With warmth and romance intact, our primary kitchen has been revamped… bakery to go…

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