Primary Kitchen Headway…

Well, another busy day at TranquilityCollege. John and his crew finished installing the cabinets in our primary kitchen. And, are now designing the cabinets for our bakery…
Bert and his sons have a boiler being delivered this morning and are bringing a temporary heater to warm the first floor a little bit while they install the boiler. Joe and Randy tore down walls in our second-floor bedroom so they can be insulated and are closing in the laundry room piping. So though cold, we are making headway.
I want everyone to know that our third-floor bedroom is in the upper 60s. So the pups and I are warm. And, we do have a warm bathroom because we have an electric wall heater keeping it warm. Of course anyone working on the lower levels is bundled up.

Range hood arrived… range hood held in place above future cooktop… Range hood installed above cooktop!

The cutout behind the cooktop is for our pot filler…

And these are our beautiful primary kitchen cabinets…

We are still waiting for a call from our template creator for our countertops…
And, though it is not record breaking like Alaska, we did have a couple more inches of snow last night…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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