Surprise Cold…

John Herrl, our kitchen whisperer…
Seth installing our Lazy Susan
Steve installing the wiring for our cooktop

Busy day! We had Bert and his sons under the floors installing heating; we had John, Lothar, and Seth installing our wonderful Herrl Woodcraft cabinets; and, we had Steve, from Modern Electric (no website), installing outlets in our primary kitchen and wiring for our dishwasher.
Up and down I ran… good cardio. Heart rate returned to normal in less than one minute! Why was I running up and down? Well, we have this pot filler that we want behind our The problem is… This pot filler is against an outside wall. Yikes! It gets cold here. Pipes installed in outside walls can freeze. Our plumber, Glenn, wants the pipe inside the wall. Well, there is not enough room behind the cooktop for the pipe to come up through the granite. Glenn suggested we install the pot filler on the side of the cooktop. That introduces a whole new conundrum. How do we hide the pipe and not ruin the aesthetic effect of our kitchen? We thought about putting soffits on each side of the stove, but you can’t have flammable items too near the cooktop. Plus, we have the range hood. If the soffits don’t go from the countertop to the ceiling, it will look weird. If the soffits do go from the countertop to the ceiling… They have to be far enough from the cooktop. Then the pot filler will only be able to be used for one burner. Well, John is convinced that part of the pipe could come up through the cabinet and only a small part needs to go behind the wall. He and Glenn are going to discuss it and see if they can come to an agreement. As soon as I know the result I will let you know.
Then, we need to schedule Granite & Marble Works for their person to come measure for the template of our kitchen countertops. Again, questions… Again, stairs… It is so much fun!

“Copper sink in place?”
Stair run!

Placement of the door and drawer pulls…
Stair run!

And since we had snow, Scott had the opportunity to play with his snowblower. Of course as soon as he finished clearing the sidewalks, it started snowing heavily again. But we wished for snow… And, we snow we have…

Scott with his snowblower

This morning we woke to a cold house. 50’s on the second floor… 40’s on the first floor. Turns out the system that Patrick St.Pierre of Efficient Heating and Cooling Services put in was not nearly adequate for this large house. He put in the cheapest unit he could get away with and we are paying the price… AGAIN! As soon as Bert hooked up the kitchen, it was not only overloaded, but crossed that critical line to even keep the house partially warm… Now we are looking at needing a second furnace… Bert is trying to locate one as soon as possible… will keep you updated…

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