End of 2017 Update…

Christmas Eve we planned to spend with Debbie and Susan… the Brown sisters. If you do not remember, they are the lovely ladies who grew up in our wonderful cottage. Well, Scott’s nasty cold and my upset tummy changed those plans. We were so looking forward to indulging in Debbie’s famous split pea soup, learning all their childhood secrets, and discussing Susan’s love of Pessoa and my fascination with his life. Instead we snuggled into our lovely bed and listened to one of our audible books.
Debbie and Susan were so gracious. They drove to our cottage and delivered her famous split pea soup to our door. Yummy and soooo good for our tummy!

On Christmas morning we woke to a beautiful Christmas winter wonderland. None of our problems mattered. We were warm. We were safe. For this one morning, in our third floor attic room, our bit of the world was pristine and serene…

Bright and early the morning of December 27, the men from Granite and Marble Works arrived. I had warned everyone that our kitchen was still very cold. Miles, Joe, and Raymond tackled their task as if the were in balmy weather and not a frigid kitchen. They were delightful… pleasant, cheerful and enthusiastic… ready to tackle their morning project.

Raymond, Miles, & Joe

Everything went without a glitch until we came to the rise behind our corner sink. We needed a raised area there to protect that corner cabinet from possible water damage from splashes from the sink They had the granite top for that section, but when it came to the sides there had been a bit of miscommunication. Somehow between the original conversation and the installation no one was sure about the plan. Raymond asked Scott what was to be put on the front of that raised area. Trying to track “several room” projects, Scott did not remember the specific discussions concerning that raised area. He assumed it would be covered with backsplash tile. When he came upstairs and told me what he had conveyed as the correct conclusion, I flew down stairs to correct that mistake. But, that question answered what would have been their last bit of installation. They had packed up and left.

I called Granite and Marble Works. Here we have this beautiful countertop with one teeny section not covered. I spoke to Jessica. I sent her a picture of the missing granite area. They were wonderful! They went to work to see where wires had crossed into miscommunication and how they would make our countertop perfect. As soon as they found we had some black fantasy leather granite remaining, they assured me that when they came to measure for the bakery they would measure the rise for the granite. Problem solved…

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