Weekend Update…

After fifty some odd years we are experiencing the shift to daylight savings time for the first time. But, we are retired! We do not have to succumb to this barbaric change of time! We just sleep an hour later, shifting our routine activities to an hour later.

Watched a movie this weekend… “The Sleeping Dictionary”. It was a period love story about a forbidden love of the time. We found it quite well done and enjoyed it.

And we read several more books… two of which were “Change of Heart” by Jodi Picoultand “Don’t Let Me Go” by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Both books covered thought provokingly uncomfortable topics that were very well written.

We had snow squalls at the end of last week. It is so nice to be learning all the new terms for ways that beautiful white stuff floats to earth. And, we have Winter Storm Skylar arriving tonight. This storm is expected to bring us anywhere from four inches to one foot of snow. Those of you who know me, know for which end of that spectrum I am pulling. Reminder… we do have a generator in case power is lost…

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