
The bane of Construction… Dust! Dirt! Grime! That never ending cycle of dusting, cleaning, scrubbing… only to have it return seconds later. The construction that has consumed our cottage for the last year. When it was everywhere and there was nowhere to cook, it didn’t bother me. I could walk over and through the piles of rubble. I could touch a rail or wall and feel the grime and walk on. But, Now? Well, let’s just say things have changed.

The primary kitchen… (As I have stated numerous times, I love my primary kitchen.) What I don’t love is the limitless dust, like a desert dust storm, perpetually invading, seeping into every nook and cranny, coating, settling in for the long haul. A dust so persistent, so dense, it could easily be mistaken for dirt. The problem is, in our cottage, that dust is dirt… Construction dirt. And, this is an old cottage! How much of that dirt is not healthy to breathe?

Basically, I avoid the dust. I just go to another room. But, this is our kitchen. This is where I prepare our food. Here I don’t want unhealthy dirt or dust bunnies. So, I keep wiping up dust… I keep washing down cabinets and countertops… only to have the dust and grime return one million-fold… just seconds later!!!

You know that corner cabinet that John Herrlett put behind our corner sink?

That beautiful cabinet is quite deep. Try as I might… stretching as far as I my body will stretch (excellent stretching exercise)… I cannot reach the back of that cabinet. The dust and grime just sit there sneering… knowing they are safe. And that’s just the first shelf… The second and third shelves? Well, let’s just say they are beyond hope.

Solution? We have ordered the Folding 4-Step Safety Step Ladder with Padded Side Handrails to the rescue!

Dust? Dirt? Grime? Beware! Your days are numbered…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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