
I just realized that my organizing may seem duly convoluted to most of you. I forgot to mention that I enter each item of our staples and supplies into a food inventory data system. (That is what happens, when you are married to a data expert.) So each item that we have, has to be logged in as to the size, the cost, and the location. It makes it a very slow process, but in the end it makes it quite efficient. The App I am using is called My Pantry. It is a very user friendly program, but entering the data takes time.

As we were going through different utensils and appliances today, I realized that we have not found our Cusinart or our VitaMix. I told Scott those particular tools help me prepare many of the foods we like best… so he has stepped up his searching.

It isn’t as if all our moving boxes except for the kitchen have been unpacked… they have not! We still do not have a closet, drawers, or place to put anything but our kitchen supplies. And, because we wanted to save money on our move, we wrapped appliances in towels, blankets and even clothes. So many items are well hidden. But, they will show up by the time I have finished my inventory and am ready for the next stage…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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