No Renovations Here…

My body… parts complaining… parts sagging… parts even dragging… oh, the joys of aging… at this moment in time I am focusing on my sagging head.

As my jaw, cheek and eye-socket bones wear down with the march of time and the fat of my youth moves south… my “scaffolding” is exposed and wearing down too… eyelids drooping… cheeks plummeting to earth… and my dewlaps swaying in the breeze…

For me? my “old-age” march has focused (no pun intended) around my eyes… specifically, under my eyes… creases, bags, etc. I remember Mama having bags under her eyes… well, more like rumpled blankets… and, I felt sad for her… never realizing my day would come. After all, bags under the eyes are hereditary… sorry kids!

I wondered where Mama inherited her rumpled blankets. After all, my grandma had perfectly beautiful eyes right up to her death. But… pictures of my grandpa on Mama’s side of the family had those same from rumpled blankets my mama had. Now, those rumpled blankets seem to be moving into my neighborhood.

I had hoped that my lower eye problems were accounted for by stress, i.e., when Davey was so ill, or when George broke his neck, or when Josh was in ICU almost monthly… But… those stressors ended. My lower eye problems remained. Sigh…
The fact I tear up over every little event, does not help whatever reprieve I could have from rumpled blanket eyes. Be it a heart-wrenching movie or hilarious story… seeing an old friend or lovely scene… my tears flow freely.

So… with that in mind… just know that, for me, it is impossible to smooth my blankets… But, I will continue to tear-up over every heart-wrenching movie… hilarious story… thrill of seeing an old friend or lovely scene… enthusiastically, full of life in my rumpled body…

P.S. Today would have been my Mama’s 113 Birthday! Happy Birthday, Mama!

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