Secret Places…

Every day is a new adventure… Every day in my primary kitchen is a new discovery… Our LG refrigerator has been waiting to display its full potential. Having been so long since we purchased it, many of its fabulous features had been forgotten. Our lovely LG refrigerator has a top section, a freezer section, and a middle section for special items that need to be warmer or colder than the regular refrigerator. In this section, you can adjust the temperature from a high of 42 degrees to a low of 29 degrees. As I was sorting yesterday, attempting to decide if my cauliflour should go down to the cellar freezers, I noticed that very unobtrusive middle drawer on the frig… hummm… “I wonder…” opening the drawer, the ideal home for my cauliflour was found.

Then, loading our lovely LG dishwasher we were surprised, yet again. At the very top of the dishwasher is a very thin basket that can hold silverware and very special thin items. Our kitchen doodads have been in boxes and construction areas for so long, everything needs washing. This top shelf was perfect for all my tiny measuring spoons.

And, we found a wooden block knife holder for our drawer. When in Hawaii we had had a wooden block on the counter that I was not fond of. Having more space here, our knives can be tucked away safe and sound. And if you notice, in the corner, there is the stamp from Herrl Woodcraft.

Today we have teeny tiny snowflakes falling… but not really sticking, as the ground is quite warm. More like Mother Nature is shaking powdered sugar all over our yard…

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