Too Much Heat…

As we melt our way through this canicular season, we are grateful for man made air conditioning. 

Progress continues… 

Had a scare with Scott… He had mowed the lawn, came in to relax when Lowe’s called they were here to deliver our drywall for our second floor bedroom.

Well, my tired, over-heated sweetie went down to arrange it being put into our garage only to realize that Lowe’s forklift was too large to put it inside the garage. So they placed it on the driveway for Scott to move in… sheet by sheet. Scott returned to our second floor sewing/bedroom winded and very pale… 

“It’s hot out there… and, those sheets are super heavy. I have half moved in, but need to rest a bit.” 

Next thing I knew, Scott was laid out on the floor! He was up almost immediately. (Made my heart flutter… just a bit) 

At this point I put my foot down. We were calling for help to move the rest of the Sheetrock into the garage… and, I am coming down with you to make sure you are okay. 

I texted John Herrlett (our kitchen whisper) asking if there was any possibility he could get Seth to help Scott for about half an hour to lift some drywall into the garage. I explained my precious hubby had overheated himself and laid himself flat in the floor. 

John, that wonderful man, said, “I’ll be right up to help him.”

Before we knew it, John was here. He and Scott lifted the other sixteen sheets into the garage while I oversaw that Scott was safe. 

Side Note: Usually, Sheetrock is not that heavy, but I mistakenly ordered 5/8 inch thick… which is super heavy. That was what caused part of the problem.

John was determined to have that Sheetrock moved to our second floor so Scott was not struggling with it alone. He arranged for a lovely young man and his son to bring it all in from the garage to our second floor bedroom for staging the very next day.

And, you can see Scott has installed the first panel on our ‘soon to be’ second floor bedroom…

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