Today! Already! We have Butch and his helper in our home. First, he went to the basement and made a couple more turns on the basement columns to raise the first floor a teeny bit more. You should have heard the creaking and groaning our sweet cottage made as she protested being jolted to attention.
Then, they moved to the first floor to reenforce the beam that holds up the second floor. There will be more creaking and complaining… I am sure. But, our sweet cottage does not ‘yet’ realize she will feel years younger when she stands straight and tall again.
Scott is installing bubble wrap insulation (to conduct the heat properly) in our bedroom ceiling while Bert and Josh (Bert’s sons) complete the heating system.
Glenn, our intrepid plumber, is due to arrive this afternoon to complete the roughing in for our third floor bathroom and inspection.
By the end of this week, it should be just Scott finishing the house with my cheering him on…
* We still need Larry to lower our garage and re-lay our sidewalks… But, we are making headway on the inside…