Chilly Continued…

It turned out that every room was hooked to our heating system except… the kitchen (which we knew) and the sewing room! The room we have been camped out in for months!

Turns out they did not have the connecting tube to hook up the sewing room to the main system. They planned on bringing it when they returned to install the kitchen floor. But, Mother Nature tricked them and sent a chill sooner than they expected.

‘They spent most of yesterday bleeding and purging the boiler and furnace while the puppies and I huddled under blankets and sweaters. It was chilly enough that even the puppies did not want to wander around. They curled into tight little puppy balls (in their puppy coats) and just slept. I am sure they were hoping the temperature would improve.

Finally… oh my slow thinking brain took a while to warm up (must have been chilled by the temperature), I realized that since the insulation has not been replaced in our sewing room… if, I turned the heat on for the third floor, a lot of that heat should radiate down and warm our room. Within an hour we were a comfortable 70 degrees.

Later this week the whole team should be here to finish the kitchen heating. Apparently, Dad is needed to feed the coils into the crawl space while his sons feed those same coils through the holes in the floor beams.

In the meantime, Steve, our wonderful electrician from Modern Electric, spent yesterday removing old wires and moving others so Scott can cut in the door to our future linen closet and start finishing the walls in our future closet. After our bedroom is livable, that is…

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