
As we move into the eve of our Fall Equilux, we now declare that our future bedroom has a completed floor! The young men from Adirondack Wood Flooring arrived last Wednesday and removed the bits of spotty old boards that remained. 

Then, they proceeded to install the new flooring where walls, a sink, a closet, and drawers had been removed. We are keeping all the removed wood for future woodworking projects. (Scott needs all kinds of woods for all his future carvings.)

Next, the main sanding to remove the old varnish took place. Love the bags that are now attached to sanders. Though we, well I, smelled and felt the sawdust being stirred up, it was minimal. Those smells stirred fond memories of my brothers and father sanding our living room floors when I was quite young. (I never cease to be amazed and grateful how olfactory and music memories cling to my psyche.) Day one ended… 

Thursday was fine sanding day. The edges… the “not so perfect” spots all smoothed. Then… the varnish went on our newly sanded floor. Day two completed…

Friday morning they arrived early. The second coat of varnish needed to be spread on the floor. Zip…Zap… they were finished. 

Lovely young men… Beautiful job… 

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