Nighttime Road Trip…

This last Friday night we went to give the puppies their last pills and prepare for bed… when Happy started shaking her head violently and couldn’t stop. She was shaking her head so much she couldn’t take her pills.

We gave her a Benadryl and planned to take her over to the vet first thing in the morning, but she was soooo miserable. 

Northway Veterinary Hospital is just north of Saratoga Springs in Glen Falls… just under fifty miles away. Neither Scotty nor I prefer driving at night, but this is our baby. 

We loaded blankets and puppies into the car. Stopped at McDonald’s to pick up coffee for Scott. Then, headed down Turkey Farm Road. 

We drive Turkey Farm Road quite regularly, but nighttime is a whole other story. Plus, we were dealing with fog. They were patches where you could see the moon, which was a three-quarter moon; but, mostly, clouds covered the whole sky and huge patches of fog kept popping up.

Scott was wonderful. Though I used to love driving and riding in cars, it’s really challenging these days because my vision skews approaching and all other kinds of objects. At night, those distortions are even worse. Stop lights that are half a mile away, appear to be right on top of us. I kept thinking that Scott was driving through red lights. But, my precious hubby is so sensitive to my struggles with distortions that though traveling is terrifying for me, and challenging for Scott, we made it to Northway. 

Just before midnight we arrived at the hospital. As we went in the door, Barbara, their receptionist, was sneezing uncontrollably. My first thought was, ‘let this be allergies’. But, we were not so fortunate. She had a terrible cold. 

“The worst I have had in years!” she proclaimed.

I cringed and kept my distance.

Happy was seen almost immediately. Emmi and I waited. 

Our poor Happy. Though her ears looked clear, when they took a swab and ran a culture, she had a yeast infection. Arthritic legs… now this… sigh… But, we had answers and medicine. 

We arrived home a little before two a.m. 

Monday, Barbara’s cold hit me. Sneezing, coughing, and two dozen soaked hankie’s later, I am recounting our Friday night adventure…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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