

Today, I would like to make a request. If any of you might have a piece of clothing that you enjoyed, but has worn out, or you no longer wear; I would love if you would send it to me. I would love to make a quilt that has a bit of fabric that each of you has worn and enjoyed to be part of a special quilt I would like to make for our home.

By having material from an item of clothes you wore, you are allowing a bit of your love and spirit to reside with us. If enough of you send a piece of clothing, I will post a picture of it for all of you to see when completed.

If you do have something you are willing to share, please email me and I will send you our address. I prefer to not post our physical address on the web…


Several of you have asked how the house renovations are coming along.

Well, I had hoped we would be in our bedroom by the end of September, but we had to wait on Bert and his sons to complete replacing the heating coils in the ceiling. So September came and September went. 

October came and now we have the proper heating coils in our ceiling. Scott drywalled, muddied, and sanded, not only the ceiling, but the walls. We thought about putting a coffered ceiling in our bedroom, but we really wanted a copper ceiling. After debating back and forth, we decided to bite the bullet and order copper panels. But, they were a special order that will not arrive until early November. 

In the meantime, we need frames for our windows, baseboards, crown molding, valance boxes, and a curio area completed before moving into our bedroom. At this point, I think it will be early 2019 before we are settled in our bedroom. Though we remain on the floor, it is well worth the wait.

The rest of rooms in the house? 

After the bedroom, Scott plans to refinish my sewing room so I can return to serious sewing. Though I have a few projects started, there are limitations with a bed in the middle of  the floor and bubble wrap hanging from the ceiling. 

After the sewing room, he will set up his workshop properly before tackling the making of our closet.

After those projects, he can proceed to finishing the laundry room, living room, dining room, tea room, and guest bedroom. Though the list is long, they are all unique projects…

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