
Now that cooler weather is upon us and we have a functioning kitchen, it is time to pull out the Slow-Cooker/Crockpot (whatever you choose to call it) so soup can be simmering throughout the day. 

Side note: Our toe-kick heaters in both the primary kitchen and bakery are now functioning. They are somewhat noisy, but do provide that extra bit of comforting warmth when the temperature drops. 

Back to our Slow-Cooker/Crockpot… Scott carried the pot up from the basement only to find the insert had a crack in it.

Well, no soup tomorrow unless I plan to spend the day in the kitchen. (I do not leave burners on when I am on another floor. Too easy to forget since I have not been cooking every day.)

So… I looked for a replacement insert, for our model, to no avail. Quickly, I discovered that I could buy a new Slow-Cooker/Crockpot for about the same amount of money as I presumed the replacement insert would cost. So ordered. On its way and would arrive in two days. Soup is near!

About an hour later, Scott found the replacement insert. Since winter is definitely arriving soon (pending global warming issues) we decided two pots of simmering soups are even better than one…

And, great news! Just received a news alert that we are on the verge of two early cold fronts that could bring a bit of snow Wednesday night… then, snow on Sunday… and snow, once more… a week from today… Just in time for big bowls of soup…

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