New Adventures…

As my friend said, “Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!” And, we are so grateful that it is… We had a tiny dusting Saturday, then, last night we received two to three inches of that glorious white stuff! 

While I heard many complaining about the cold, all I could think was, “It is so magically mystical! Can’t you just see the fairies playing in the mist?” 

-Today while Scott peruses Lowe’s for boards for our bedroom windows, I will have a salon and JoAnn’s day. Today is their 60% off Calico print sale day! What quilter doesn’t need calico prints?

Then, this evening we are off the the Advisory Board meeting for our wonderful Nathan Littauer’s Hospital.

We have not updated you on our sweet fourteen year old Happy dog. Though she continues to act like a three year old puppy, she has something going on with her liver. And, her kidneys are not working as well as they should be. (This information is from blood test results, not her behavior.) If we had no blood tests, we would never guess her body is slowing down except she has lost some muscle tone. More tests are scheduled for next month and January. Our hope is she continues to be frisky… 

Scott and I decided that now that the ‘BONES’ (plumbing, electrical, basement, and heating) of our home are completed and though there are still a zillion projects ahead of us, including completing our bedroom, we are adding meetings, groups, and shows to our lives. 

With that bit of background… March of 2019 we will be heading to Lancaster. Pennsylvania for their Annual Quilt Week Show and Contest. Two families of our very dearest friends live close by. They have requested to join us at the show. After the Quilt Show we will be joining them to see Lancaster’s famous Mud Sales. So… if you see a rather large group of long time friends wandering around Lancaster March 2019, there is a chance it might be us…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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