Power Tool…

Scott has a new toy! He deserves all the toys he wants. The man has worked and taken care of everyone else for forever. It is his time to play. And, in the process, he is completing our bedroom. (Aren’t I blessed my husband loves working with tools? He threatens to make noises like Tim the Tool Time Guy ?)

Well, he found a power planer on MarketPlace.. 

The man who originally bought it could never figure out how to make it work. 

Not my Scotty! 

After a few glitches getting the hang of it, he had it up and running! 

What does he need a power planer for, you ask? Well, remember this is an older cottage. Not everything lines up perfectly… including windows and their frames. 

So the window and frame are secured to each other with no spaces for chilly winter air to enter our cottage, he needed to shave different parts of the window to meet the wall and frame snugly. 

Voila! The Power Planer!

Yes, though we plan on taking a break March 2019, we are still working on finishing our cottage… one room at a time… at this time it remains our bedroom…

And, for those of you following the weather… and our friends in the South who have already felt a blast… yes, Winter Storm Avery is working her way North to greet us with anywhere from 6” to 18” of that glorious white stuff. Please remember, we do have a generator. We are safe. If the weather projections are correct, there is going to be one very Happy Lady in Gloversville… 

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Arriving at Tranquility

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