Splashes of Color…

Our yard… so neglected… has decided to bestow us with a few bright spots.  Now part why our yard is neglected, is that the New York State Environmental Agency is asking us to not cut our lawns so short or as often and to allow our leaves to  remain and not be raked up. 

Do most people follow these guidelines? Well, tradition is hard to break and though shorter grass lawns look very neat, they really make our planet and it’s smaller inhabitants work harder to survive. Not sure what it will take for municipalities to push healthier options for lawns and our planet… 

We allowed our leaves to provide a teeny bit of extra cover over the winter for our tiniest of earth’s inhabitants. This Spring, Scott mowed those leaves to become part of the lawn. We want our lawn to be a bit wild. It is healthier for us and the planet. 

Do I sound like a broken record (for those of you old enough to remember vinyl records)? Yes! We only have one planet and are not capable of going anywhere else. The Earth’s climate problems won’t affect me too much in the long run, but those problems will multiply for all those growing up now. I do not want to add to their problems. 

Our back yard? That is a different matter. It was neglected for so many years, it is like trying to tame a wild beast. If Scott had hours to put in… day after day… for months, he might achieve some measure of success by the end of the summer. But he has an interior that needs more sealing before next winter. And, a bedroom to finish… But, he keeps attacking those brambles when we have dry enough weather… 

In spite of everything, Mother Nature has been kind. The few bulbs we did plant have popped up here and there to provide surprise splashes of color. And our trees are blooming. A nice addition for our smaller inhabitants to dine on… 

Magnolia that arrived broken…

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