
Our public service announcement: Have you had your FLU shot this year? This is the best time to receive it… right at Halloween… PLEASE! If you have not gotten one yet, get it today! You are not only protecting yourself, but possibly saving the life of some child, senior citizen, or medically fragile person because you cared enough to receive a Flu shot.
Back to our adventures…

Drywalling ceilings! That’s what is happening in our cottage at the moment. Ceilings are being closed up! Still no finishing touches, but ceilings are very helpful to make each room feel finished. Randy, Dave, and Joe spent all last week installing drywall ceilings in the bathroom, laundry room, and our closet. Then the drywall was taped, mudded, and sanded.

Our laundry room is only partially finished because Glenn, our wonderful plumber, still needs to clean up another mess Patrick left. The plumbing for our washer and dryer was put in incorrectly. Surprise… surprise… once that is corrected they can box in that end of the room and finish the drywall.

Steve and his crew, from Modern Electric, fine tuned the electrical wiring for our primary kitchen and the garage. The kitchen had a few changes due to the flipping of the cooktop and sink. Plus, our kitchen bay window needs grow lights for the winter months. These are the lamps we picked out to hold our grow lights.

The kitchen now has drywall. It has been taped. Still needs mudding, but closer to completion.

The position for our emergency generator has been approved… along side the egress to the basement. The trenches that needed to be dug are completed… pipes and foundation are in place.

Apparently, the sanding is finished in the sewing room. I am soooo glad because last night I dreamed about, not only, making curtains, but dresses, slacks,and quilts… hopefully a sign of completion…

One year ago today our precious Joshua Isaac left this earth. He is so missed…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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