Great Delights…

As many of you know, I take great delight in most things. And, Tuesday was another “Great Delight” day. We had a few errands to run. First, we drove down the street to John Herrlett at Herrl Woodcraft to pick out pulls for our cabinets. While there, John showed us the progress they had already made. Thanks to John… here are some pictures of their progress.

Just the aroma of the lumber made the shop feel like Christmas. I’m not sure if I would have noticed any problems if I tried, it smelled so good in that shop.

After walking through the different stages of progress each cabinet was making, we went to decide on door pulls. It only took about ten seconds and I found the perfect pull.

Each of you are seeing our kitchen come together step-by-step. Sometimes I don’t want to post pictures, so you will be surprised by the completed picture, but then, you’d miss the fun of seeing it come together.

Anyway, after seeing our cabinets we needed to run by the vet and pick up puppy food. Yes, our little angels eat specialized food for their delicate tummies. Now our vet Glove Cities Veterinary Hospital is just around the corner from Gloversville Sewing Center. After all, this is Gloversville… nothing is too far from something else. In fact, Scott and I were debating if we were making a large circle around our village or a small circle around the village. We finally decided on we were making a cozy circle around the village.

We stopped by Gloversville Sewing Center mainly because I wanted to increase my knowledge of the shop. Again my vision… repetition is the key. The more often I explore around a store… provided they do not “re-arrange” all the time… the more comfortable I become. I knew I wanted to check out quilting patterns. Well, we have been to the Gloversville Sewing Center enough times that when I disembarked from the car, I felt safe to enter the store by myself.

Poor Scott! He asked, “Am I losing my seeing-eye husband status?”
I replied, “Well, maybe at this store.”
Once inside, I knew enough of the store to know where the steps were and approximately where the quilting patterns would be. Off I trudged by myself. Poor Scott! He was following quickly behind and trying to make sure I found what I needed. But I was sticking my nose here… and my nose there (that’s how I see) having a glorious time. We did not find a quilting pattern that thrilled me, so we bought nothing. But, it felt so good to go in the store and find my way around all by myself. We had a lovely visit with the delightful ladies of the Gloversville Sewing Center and then we headed on our way. If you ever come through Gloversville… you must stop by the sewing center, it is a wonderful adventure.

Then we headed down the street to Mohawk Harvest Cooperative Market to check out their outstanding produce. After all, we are on the verge of having a kitchen…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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