Tea sets…

Well, we had a busy Friday. Another Estate Sale had items Scott needed and we both wanted. This one was one run by Empire Estate Sales and it was in Saratoga Springs. It started at 8 o’clock in the morning. That meant early rising. The advantage we had was that we know this road.
And yes, we bought another tea set… it looks as if it could be another of the rare Japanese porcelain called Arita, or Imari, that almost translucent porcelain only made up until the war. The overlay is so delicately finished, it looks like Wedgwood except finer.

Whether it is Arita or not it, is absolutely stunning…
While I claimed the tea set, Scott went downstairs and claimed a WorkMate bench and an axe.

We did find a couple of lovely snowman to set around the house during the holidays.

Then, we headed home… after Scott unloaded the car he realized that somehow he had neglected to load the axe. So back we went. Fortunately the drive to Saratoga Springs is a scenic drive so it was a delight to repeat… plus, we learned new side roads into the city.
We returned to the estate sale where they had the axe waiting for us. While there… we did find one other treasure… It turned out it was a pitcher that had belonged to the great aunt’s grandmother of the owner of Empire Estate Sales. It is a delicately lovely pitcher that we will treasure.
When we headed home the second time, we went to pick up our daily meal. As we drove down one of the back streets, a car on the other side of the road had stopped in the middle of the street because there was a duck escorting a chicken across the road. Somehow the chicken had gotten loose and the duck went to fetch it. In the front yard of their home a lady was calling them. They were obediently hurrying home with the duck protectively guiding the chicken. They waddled and strutted as quickly as their little feet could go… adding new meaning to “why did the duck cross the road…”

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