Bakery Final Touches…

All of you are just too kind! Since there have been requests for my meanderings… meanderings are what I will share with you until I have something concrete to report.

At the moment, I am struggling with the backsplash for the bakery. Here are two possible options, neither of which achieve what I hope to accomplish.

I would like for the backsplash to feel organic and provide an earthy grounding for the rest of the bakery. Since it is a bakery, I want the backsplash to emphasize a basketweave to simulate baskets holding loaves of bread. But I also want that basket weave to work well with the countertop. There are a lot of basketweaves out there that could work but they cost a fortune. We’re trying to find one that will work that is reasonable. Then, we found Elida Ceramica Wooden Basketweave Mosaic Wood Look Porcelain Wall Tile.

We thought we were picking up a sample this morning to see if this tile might provide the ambiance we want for the bakery. But, when we went out to the car we were greeted with about an inch of solid ice. I wasn’t going anywhere! One step on that ice and I would go down.

The weather has been ridiculous. First it snows, then it gets cold (really cold), then it gets ridiculously warm (high 40s), rains, and gets cold again. The snow melts and re-freezes into ice. I would need golf cleats or football cleats to walk on that stuff. And then, do we get more snow to cover the ice? No! At this point we have about an inch of ice “everywhere” but no real snow. I do hope before this Winter gives way to Spring we have a few more wonderful snowstorms. That’s why we moved here… for snowstorms! Where is the snow? Poor Scott, shovel in hand, went to break up the ice and remove it from the walkway.

As far as that amazing tile goes? Guess what? It’s no longer made! The search continues… But, you all have an idea the direction we are heading. If you have any ideas you think might work, we are open to all suggestions.

And for those of you wondering? Yes, the pink is staying. I think I’ve stated several times that I love pink. We want our bakery to feel homey, comfortable and perky. Hopefully, when I’m baking it will smell inviting. And, the pink? Pink is my perky smile go-to color…

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