Tomorrow… Tomorrow… Tomorrow…

Rarely have I spoken about products, but I am someone who does not use lotions, oils, or other softening agents on a regular basis. When I was caring for Josh daily, there was hand washing on the average of fifty times a day. Sanitizing all contact was so important. My hands became chapped and cracked. Did I start using lotion? Occasionally… But not often enough to correct the problem.
Then I discovered L’Occitane Verbena Cleansing Hand Wash… It is gentle on my hands and is a natural sanitizer… no more artificial chemicals. My chapped hands healed, never to return until… we arrived in New York. We used a bar soap… a gentle bar soap, but my chapped hands returned. Quickly, I purchased the L’Occitane Verbena Cleansing Hand Wash refill for our one sink and refills ready for all future sinks… chapped hands disappeared… and we are a wee bit safer during this flu season…

Tomorrow… Tomorrow… Tomorrow… we seem to be living on help arriving Tomorrow… I know it is only a day away… and, we are making progress… I had convinced myself that the middle of January was a reasonable estimate for, at least my primary kitchen, to be completed. Turns out the middle of January has come and gone. The radiant tubing needing to be replaced in the bakery ceiling and the ceiling tiles for it… the mud room… and the first floor bathroom have been completed.

We will receive our countertops for the bakery from Granite and Marble Works tomorrow.

John, Lothar, and Seth from Herrl Woodcraft will finish installing the cabinets.

But, I still need water for my sinks… gas for my cooktop… and heat in both rooms. Enough about kitchens and bakeries…

Snow-covered tree outside my future primary kitchen

We are having a lovely snow storm this morning. I enjoy the snow on the ground. When it comes to seeing the flakes falling, it’s a little challenging for me. After all, it’s white on white. Bless Scott’s heart. This morning, he said, “The snowflakes are huge!”
When I look, all I can see is white… then, out of nowhere, one snowflake, one big fat snowflake appears within my limited field of vision. I am so excited!
Now I know I could go outside to see and feel… the snowflakes, but it’s really cold out. We are referring to the fact that I cannot see snow through the windows… but the snow on the ground? Beyond magnificent…
Jeremiah’s crew came to clear the sidewalks this morning… as you can see, the snow has obliterated any snow removal…
“Not on my watch!” this storm declared!!!

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Arriving at Tranquility

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