
What an interesting weekend we had. They predicted that winter storm Xanto would dump about 2 feet of snow on us. Well, I have accepted that spring is on the way and it is time to allow our trees, bushes, and flowers to have their say. We had some icy rain, a couple of snowflakes, but mainly just slushy weather; which continues today…

I must share with you the magnificent baskets I found for my primary kitchen cabinets. They are absolutely perfect for storing different categories of food in one spot so that I can find what I need easily. I have a basket for teas, two baskets for powders… food powders, that is…. a basket for all my allium family products… and, a basket to hold my large spice containers… Baskets make life so much easier for a person who has limited vision to find the needed product. And what a blessing to find such beautiful baskets…

While Scott was looking for the blender, he emptied and combined a whole lot of our boxes from our move. Now he just needs to break them down and put them out for our next recycling day…

P.S. Today is Save the Elephant Day!

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Arriving at Tranquility

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