Spring Not Quite Sprung…

Our Friday snow powdering turned into a couple of inches. Then overnight, Mother Nature added a couple more inches. When we woke Saturday morning, it was a beautiful white wintery wonderland again. Later Saturday, then on Sunday, we had light snow flurries, but no added accumulation. I am treasuring each Spring snow flake and flurry…

This morning, though our awakening temperatures were in the teens, you could feel Spring in the air. Spring is arriving…

I know all of you see the progress I am making. Many of you think we have a working kitchen. Not quite yet! All our appliances and sinks are working, but I am still organizing our staples: spices, condiments, sauces, powders, flours, grains, beans, seeds, etc.

I find a place that will work for a certain category of food and we organize that section. I play with other foods… feel them, move them around, and ponder over them. Usually, it takes one or two nights of dreams before finding the right place for each category of food that needs to be placed. This ritual probably sounds ridiculous to some of you. Years ago, when I could see, I whizzed through putting food stuffs away. And, it worked beautifully. When we had Josh, I whizzed through putting food stuffs away (out of necessity) only to forget what I had and where I put it. (Mainly because of my limited vision and spending most of my energy worrying about Josh) This caused much purchasing of duplicate items.
So, though we are making progress… and I want to start cooking… we are a few more days away from the official christening of our primary kitchen…

Note: I was reminded on Saturday how absolutely superb home-cooking can be! Debbie Brown, who grew up in our cottage, invited Scott and me over for a lovely bowl of “Debbie’s” homemade vegetable soup and salad. She motivated me to speed up my placing of staples. And, before we left, she gave us the most wonderful surprise. She, Chris, and Susan had decided that this beautiful sketch should remain in our cottage. It used to hang in Dr. Brown’s waiting room, which is now our bakery…

Debbie with sketch

We are so blessed to be restoring a home that has been filled with so much love and thoughtfulness… and, now this wonderful sketch returns to be part of our home too…

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