Spices & Powders…

This last weekend gave us a beautiful soaking rain. It also lowered our temperatures to the upper 40s. The heat has been off in our cottage for a couple of weeks now, so downstairs grew quite chilly, upper 50s… too chilly to play in the kitchen or bakery. (Since Scott is still laying tile in the back bathroom, hallway, and mudroom, he is using the bakery floor for his staging area. I am focusing in the primary kitchen to stay out of his way.) It started warming up late Sunday. Our kitchen was playable Monday. Then, temperatures plummeted again on Tuesday when another beautiful soaking rain pushed into our area. Chilly cottage, again… but, Emmi and I braved the chilly kitchen to sort more of our spices and powders.

Still organizing, but also fixing simple meals. So grateful to have smoothies. Scott could not find the base to our VitaMix so we ordered a new one. It arrived last Friday and we had smoothies right away! The new VitaMix has evolved into a powerhouse. VitaMix has always been powerful, but their new design is not only more powerful, but it has advanced the ease it takes to use it. The base for the container is wider and the container itself is wider making it very easy to add and remove delectable concoctions. (When Scott does find the older base we will use that VitaMix in the bakery.)

These are my temporary spice racks and general spice area until Scott can make permanent racks to contain all the variable sizes.

Then, we have my powder area that I am still organizing that will also need racks.

I have loved not only adding spices, but powders, vinegars, and syrups to recipes for years. To me, these additional ingredients, when added carefully, infuse an extra scrumptious depth of flavor. When we allow them to meld… the marriage of flavors explodes. (I have created some real disasters too! ?)

The important thing is I am back experimenting with foods and flavors…

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