
Last week was a busy week.
Update: Emmi is doing fine. Whatever bug he had is totally gone and he is back to his frisky self. Though, bless his heart, if we leave him confined, for even a few minutes, he becomes so stressed that during the night he regurgitates bile. Not sure if he’s a comfort dog or I’m a comfort mommy…

During the last few weeks, the weather had been improving and suddenly it felt like Spring. Accordingly, we turned off our heaters and turned on our air conditioners; only to be accosted by a rainy cold front… plummeting our temperatures into the thirties and forties. Chilly cottage, again! Not a fan of a chilly cottage, but loved the rain. Last night, temperatures climbed back into the fifties and today we are supposed to hit sixty. AC is back on… in anticipation.

Much looking is required to find each perfectly weathered piece of furniture for our cottage. We are having a marvelous time acquiring pieces to add to our raggle-taggle treasure trove. We just acquired a beautiful 19th century Chinese table for our living room. Two tables, one chair, one piano, so far… But of course the living room outlets are not installed and the ceiling and curved walls need to be re-created. A long way ‘til cuddling in front of our fireplace…

Had a friend call who had a stunning teapot that she had found and thought it perfect for our collection. She sent a picture and asked us to pick it up. An unexpected adventure to pick up our lovely lacy Spode Jewel Copeland Billingsley teapot. One more delicate teapot to add to our collection.

So last week was a week of chilly weather and unparalleled small additions…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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