
Our poor Emmi. Something happened… we do not know what but, Thursday night he started scratching frantically and crying. I held him and he would calm for a few minutes then grow frantic again. Early Friday morning he was throwing up bile… as if he had not eaten. He was not interested in food or water. We called the vet and headed over immediately…

Preliminary diagnosis… his lungs and heart sound good. He is alert and active. Possibly a teeny spider bit him. That would account for his sudden frantic itching. They gave him an anti nausea shot (which stung like the dickens and he cried out in pain) and a Benadryl shot to help with the itching…

Friday afternoon still no appetite or drinking of water for hydration. Sigh…
Saturday Emmi decided he would eat. We were sure we were over the worst of whatever had caused his distress, but Sunday? Emmi decided he still did not want to eat. We coaxed and begged to no avail. Though we did manage to convince him to take his pills, nothing else could tempt him.

Throughout the day he did drink water, so we knew he was hydrated. Food? No!
When we went to give him his pill last night, he showed interest… gobbled down his pill and the food around it.. Not wanting to miss a possible opportunity for nourishment, we hand fed him an almost full portion of food.

Relieved, we all slept better.

This morning, Em ate with enthusiasm, but he figured out how to eat the food and spit out that nasty pill. After several attempts we went old school and put it in the back of his throat so he had to swallow it.

Maybe, just maybe, whatever was causing his upset has passed and Em can return to his comfort spot in the primary kitchen and I can return to preparing simple meals…

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