
This is a continuation of Tuesday’s adventure. Another fact about Bob and Mary Ann… When they pulled in their driveway and found us, they had just spent the morning picking up litter that thoughtless people had thrown out their windows along our roadways. Again, these are exceptionally thoughtful people. But, on to our adventure…

Fortunately Bob and Mary Ann have a very large turnaround spot in their driveway. Did I mention they live on a hill? Everything is hilly in that area… Truth be told… everything is pretty hilly in most of New York. That is why we love it so much.

We headed down the driveway, turned left and drove back (the way we had originally come) about 300 yards to the Mohawk Drumlin Creamery. If we had turned in at the correct driveway, we might not have had split tire, but then we never would have had the privilege of meeting Bob and Mary Ann. I will take a split tire any day to have the opportunity to meet such lovely people.

Anyway, we turned in the driveway to the creamery. It was a long lovely sloping driveway uphill… the whole area exuded palpable serenity and solitude… The ideal place to make this particular sheep’s yogurt.

Mark, the owner, is beyond hospitable. (Remember he came over to Bob and Mary Ann’s immediately upon learning of our plight). He took us to the creamery. Before we could step inside, he had us don booties… as if, we were entering a crime scene. We were very careful to not touch anything. After all we were admitted into the innermost sanctuary of this creamery. Sheep’s milk is so rich and thick nothing needs to be added but the yogurt cultures. No additives! And, it us bottled in glasss… no BPA to worry about… 

After our tour, we bought a case of Mohawk Drumlin Creamery’s sheep yogurt and happily headed home… we go through about half a jar a day…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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