Poor Happy…

Happy may think she/he is still a young whippersnapper, but old age is creeping in way to quickly to suit us. (I wrote she/he because, try though we may, we have spent fourteen years calling Happy a she/her. Old habits are hard to break) 

Anyway,, as I said, our precious Happy still thinks she/he is a whippersnapper… jumping and dancing around like a two or three year old puppy. It is difficult to not revel in her/his joy in life. But, we do try to slow down some of her/his jumping. 

One of her favorite antics is to run across the room, leap onto a large ottoman, slide across it into a deep chair (almost six feet), turn around… jump down… run to the door… then, repeat the whole process. 

Also, when Dad is fixing their food she/he bounds up as high as possible hoping to see the top of the table. 

We make every accommodation we can so she/he can have fun without hurting her/him self.

We keep our bed folded over so she has a ramp up to the window seat…

All these antics put a strain on her/his body and this last week she/he succeeded in injuring her/his left hind leg. There it was, late Sunday night, vet closed and Happy could not put any weight on her/his hind leg. We kept her/him as comfortable as possible until Monday morning when she/he and Dad went to the vet. 

Fortunately, it was a dislocated hip, which they put back in place. But, our precious puppy has severe arthritis. She/he must take it easy. She/he does not agree. She/he is back to her/his vim and vigor self while we are trying to contain her /his enthusiasm until the tendons have had time to recover. Thrilled she/he is perky… concerned she/he will re-injure her /his leg… 

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