
The pressure is on Scott! The wood from Adirondack Wood Floor Company was delivered last week for our master bedroom floor. Then Friday, JoEllen, from Adirondack Wood Floor Company, called and asked if they could install and sand our floor today. 

Scott panicked… “Oh no! Could they install our flooring a little later in the week?”

Bless JoEllen’s heart… she said she could switch our job with someone who was scheduled for installation later in the week. (They were trying to squeeze us in because they have some huge jobs coming up that will prevent them from installing our floors for months.)

So Scott scrambled over the weekend to finish putting up the Sheetrock and today he is taking out the last of the construction rubbish, mudding the room, and painting the ceiling. 

Bless Scott’s heart! He knows how uncomfortable the floor is for me. He suggested we go ahead and set up the bed in the bedroom and he would work around it. That is not fair to him. He needs room to complete what needs completing and… we do not need to be living in the ‘real’ middle of a daily construction zone. 

I am sure some of you are chuckling… “Isn’t our whole cottage a construction zone?” 

Well, yes and no… we have teeny havens of less construction and our previously finished sewing room is one of them. Yes, the bubble wrap is hanging down. Yes, we have no insulation. But, there is not daily construction in the room. We have comfortable chairs. And, it turns out that the bubble wrap is working like draperies blocking the morning sun. So, we remain comfortable in our discomfort… 

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