
Our plumbing… all those drains and connectors and (I have difficulty considering PVC pipe, but in this day and age, that is now what is considered pipe) pipes are in place.

The toilet for the third floor has been carried up both flights of stairs and now stands proudly, waiting to be connected (It will be a minimum of several months and possibly a little more than a year before being officially installed).

All the work that is completed has been inspected and approved. Our village (to me, Gloversville will always be a lovely old village) inspector is thrilled with the meticulous care our plumber took when installing the plumbing. He is pleased with all the work we have had done and re-done. Grateful we cared enough to not be satisfied with ‘okay’ or ‘shoddy’ work. Our way of thinking is, do it correctly so there are fewer problems down the road. 

So now, Glenn, after a year of working in our home, has returned his key to our cottage. It felt bittersweet. Glenn had become a regular visitor we will miss seeing. He promised he and his wife Kathy will stop by to visit. Thank you, Glenn for your care in caring for our home…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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