The bane of Construction… Dust! Dirt! Grime! That never ending cycle of dusting, cleaning, scrubbing… only to have it return seconds later. The construction that has consumed our cottage for the last year. When it was everywhere and there was nowhere to cook, it didn’t bother me. I could walk over and through the piles…

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We received notice that our car needed to be inspected before our car insurance would be renewed. So we scheduled our maintenance check-up and inspection renewal with our car dealer. Easy-peasy… all done…Right?Wrong! They didn’t want our car to be inspected to maintain our insurance; they wanted a photo inspection for our car insurance to…

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Today, there are no thoughts regarding renovations, or the lack thereof, as far as my body is concerned; but renovations in our cottage are advancing… so let us reflect on what is happening in the moment. Scott’s list of projects is longer than he is tall. Poor guy, he starts on a project. I stop…

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My body… parts complaining… parts sagging… parts even dragging… oh, the joys of aging… at this moment in time I am focusing on my sagging head. As my jaw, cheek and eye-socket bones wear down with the march of time and the fat of my youth moves south… my “scaffolding” is exposed and wearing down…

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Two of my many, (but definitely at the top of the list) thrilling times of year are fast approaching. First, next Thursday is my precious son George’s birthday… (someday I might tell you about his exciting arrival into this world) then, next Friday (April 27) will be this year’s Arbor Day! If you have followed…

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We are scheduled to take our Baby Girl (our 2017 Buick Encore) to her check-up and annual inspection tomorrow. Is it possible to accomplish her check-up in Gloversville? No! Are these check-ups available in Fonda (not Henry, Jane, or Peter, but a small town in Upstate New York)? No! We must drive all the way to…

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What an interesting weekend we had. They predicted that winter storm Xanto would dump about 2 feet of snow on us. Well, I have accepted that spring is on the way and it is time to allow our trees, bushes, and flowers to have their say. We had some icy rain, a couple of snowflakes,…

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I just realized that my organizing may seem duly convoluted to most of you. I forgot to mention that I enter each item of our staples and supplies into a food inventory data system. (That is what happens, when you are married to a data expert.) So each item that we have, has to be…

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Our Friday snow powdering turned into a couple of inches. Then overnight, Mother Nature added a couple more inches. When we woke Saturday morning, it was a beautiful white wintery wonderland again. Later Saturday, then on Sunday, we had light snow flurries, but no added accumulation. I am treasuring each Spring snow flake and flurry……

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Every day is a new adventure… Every day in my primary kitchen is a new discovery… Our LG refrigerator has been waiting to display its full potential. Having been so long since we purchased it, many of its fabulous features had been forgotten. Our lovely LG refrigerator has a top section, a freezer section, and…

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