Now that Scott has the cedar ceiling up… you will notice that the ceiling does not extend to the walls… The reason our closet ceiling does not meet the wall is because the sections for our clothing will extend almost from floor to ceiling. Neither the top or bottom will be as wide as the crown…

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I do hope that each of you are enjoying the new design for Arriving at Tranquility. Though I will be posting regularly there will be days we leap over without an entry because I am taking time to write Joshua‘s story. I promised him I would. I intend to honor that.  So though I will…

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I don’t imagine that many of you were aware that today is Black Cat Appreciation Day! So today all areas of our website are dedicated to cats, especially black cats. I hope you check out each section. Now Scott and I do not have any cats… black or any other color. But my friend, Kini…

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I know it’s been forever since we posted… Well, not forever, but 6 1/2 months. First you may notice we have a new design for our website. It took my web designers several months to complete all the changes and move everything to the new design. Then, I have had to learn how to navigate…

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Arriving at Tranquility

As storms buffeted our area this past winter, one of the pine trees that line the far side of our garage… splintered. We are fortunate that it did not fall. It could have taken out a power line. But, Its branches entangled in the trees on either side, held it aloft.  Yesterday, our tree doctor,…

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Arriving at Tranquility

Oh, April showers have come our way… but, this past Friday we had a surprise April snowfall… All afternoon and  half the night, it snowed. By the time we awoke Saturday morning we had a good two to three inches of fresh snow, but the roads were clear. Scott and I enjoyed picturesque snow scenes…

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Arriving at Tranquility

April 1 and we had a light dusting of snow awaiting us when we awoke. I like to think it was our Davey saying, “Hi, Mom” Today is the twenty-fourth anniversary of his leaving us…  Well, Scott has all four cornices completed, but (isn’t there always a ‘but’?) in order to install the last cornice,…

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