It’s hard to believe today is the last day of the first month of 2018. Tonight earth is scheduled to have a super blue blood moon (first one in 150 years) that all my friends in Hawaii, many on the West coast, and hopefully Alaska will be able to see… if they have clear skies.…

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All of you are just too kind! Since there have been requests for my meanderings… meanderings are what I will share with you until I have something concrete to report. At the moment, I am struggling with the backsplash for the bakery. Here are two possible options, neither of which achieve what I hope to…

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Many of you have been concerned since my blogs have been missing for a while now. Since construction at the house is moving slower than a snail trying to cross the street I haven’t had much of anything to blog about. Now that doesn’t mean Scotty is not working hard. He is! And we have…

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Rarely have I spoken about products, but I am someone who does not use lotions, oils, or other softening agents on a regular basis. When I was caring for Josh daily, there was hand washing on the average of fifty times a day. Sanitizing all contact was so important. My hands became chapped and cracked.…

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We are in another hold pattern… well, maybe not hold, but creep pattern. Waiting patiently for our heating to be upgraded… Waiting for our plumbing to be installed in the kitchen… Waiting for our gas lines to be hooked up in the kitchen… Waiting for gas lines to be installed for our three fireplaces… Waiting……

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The nor’easter that hit New England just dropped delightful snow over our area. The drifting snow flakes fell to earth with grace and tenderness almost all day Thursday… providing a most ethereal wintery scene… the clouds enveloping us…  On a side note we find it ludicrous that news stations call a nor’easter (granted it was…

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Christmas Eve we planned to spend with Debbie and Susan… the Brown sisters. If you do not remember, they are the lovely ladies who grew up in our wonderful cottage. Well, Scott’s nasty cold and my upset tummy changed those plans. We were so looking forward to indulging in Debbie’s famous split pea soup, learning…

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Now that I have totally confused everyone, please note… I entered our hiatus adventures in the wrong order… today’s blog should have been number two… yesterday’s blog? Number four… please enjoy the jumble… We learned one other aspect to the latest Patrick debacle… every bit of the tubing with their inadequate connectors needed to be…

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Prior to all this hullabaloo, Scott had been working diligently on the ceiling for the bakery. John, of Herrl Woodcraft, finished the essential part of primary kitchen’s installation and needed other parts completed before he completed those final touches. In the meantime he has been constructing our bakery cabinets. At this point, John is almost ready…

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Happy 2018! We wish all of you excellent health, joy, and peace this coming year. Well, we may have gone on hiatus but their was no interval to the excitement around here. When we left you last, Bert and his sons we’re finishing up connecting our new furnace. When they re-attached the original furnace to…

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