As many of you know, I take great delight in most things. And, Tuesday was another “Great Delight” day. We had a few errands to run. First, we drove down the street to John Herrlett at Herrl Woodcraft to pick out pulls for our cabinets. While there, John showed us the progress they had already made. Thanks…

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I so love the approaching winter. I love the rich, dark, heavy Dove hues of growing winter skies… the naked trees lining our avenue, while reaching to the heavens with their weathered branches… embracing this peaceful healing rest… The chill in the air… the coldness on my face… all pulling me into the moment… into…

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Primary kitchen windows… we needed to replace one window in our primary kitchen, and when we were pulling out the knotty pine, the window trim on all the other windows was damaged and needed to be removed. New kitchen… no window trim… not acceptable.Scott does not have room in the garage for his work station…

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I know I usually talk about things involved with our cottage, but for a few minutes today, I’d really like to speak about the pesticides we are using in our yards and around our homes. We are not only killing our honeybees that provide us with the pollination that allows us to eat such a…

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First… Happy Thanksgiving! We want to thank each and every one of you that has followed our adventures. We are so grateful. This is been such a year of transition and you have walked through it with us. Each of you with your wonderful spirits, helped us embrace our challenges, knowing that this too shall…

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We woke this morning to the ground covered with beautiful snow… I was so sure that when I set up my Bernina I would be sewing within a few hours. Ha! Was I fooled! Here it is a week later and I am still figuring out how to set up my machine properly. I needed…

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Now that we have ceilings in the sewing room, laundry room, our future closet, our bathroom on the second floor, and our primary kitchen, it is beginning to feel like a home and not a construction zone. Having floors and walls are wonderful additions too. But it’s the small touches that complete a room and…

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Over the weekend we had a cold snap… It was quite cold… We did not achieve single digits, but we did reach 11°. In our third floor haven, we managed to stay 65° but on the second floor we couldn’t boost the heat above 62°. And, on the first floor we were in the low…

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Well, this morning is just a teeny bit chilly… We find ourselves in the low 20s for the first time this year. I guess that Arctic front came through and winter is on its way. We really can’t complain because this has been a very lovely year. And for those of you concerned, our cottage…

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Well, we voted yesterday and while we were out… there were snow flurries! Our first falling snow since we’ve arrived in New York. And yes, the temperature is dropping. Kitchen floors! I did not want to jinx the installation of our floors yesterday, so I did not comment on whether we were expected to make…

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