One of our favorite places to pass is Crooked Street (has quite a few curves), but living on the edge of the Adirondacks most roads have quite a few curves, so not sure why it achieved such unique status. But at the juncture of New York Highway 29, Crooked Street turns into Fishhouse Road. Not…

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For my ‘big city’ friends, not familiar with Upstate New York… I may not have described our area accurately. Upstate New York is amazing and beautiful! Amazing hamlets, villages, towns, and cities abound across the region. They have survived, in spite of the loss of factories and mills. Yes, many people moved away. Yes, there are…

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Request… Today, I would like to make a request. If any of you might have a piece of clothing that you enjoyed, but has worn out, or you no longer wear; I would love if you would send it to me. I would love to make a quilt that has a bit of fabric that…

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So we scheduled a one p.m. pick-up the next day and headed home. Well, Scott had piqued my interest in Marketplace. So that evening as Scott collected all the possible tools he might need to take apart the band saw, I scanned the Marketplace.  He had unleashed the Mama! Three items piqued my interest. I…

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First… they say we ‘will’ have snow; then, we won’t. Then, they say we ‘might’ have snow; then, we don’t… Our weather has become incredibly fickle…Now they say, “Maybe Saturday.” We will see how long that prediction will hold… Now to our daily adventure… Facebook has a section called Marketplace. I had been avoiding it; while…

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Just in case! Yesterday I received an email trying to blackmail me. The blackmailer threatened to send out “embarrassing” information if I did not send $3000 immediately. He did hack into one of my accounts because he had my password. With all the data breaches at so many locations, one of my accounts must have been…

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Scott decided I was a pluviophile because I love rain and find deep levels of joy and peace of mind during rainy days. He is correct! People who think they understand people’s foibles say a pluviophile is happier than most people. I am a pretty happy person. Those same people presume it is because a…

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Now that cooler weather is upon us and we have a functioning kitchen, it is time to pull out the Slow-Cooker/Crockpot (whatever you choose to call it) so soup can be simmering throughout the day.  Side note: Our toe-kick heaters in both the primary kitchen and bakery are now functioning. They are somewhat noisy, but…

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It has been awhile since we posted. That cold I caught at the emergency veterinary clinic? Well, Scott felt left out and caught it too. For almost a full week, we were coughing, hacking, and sneezing our way through dozens of hankies. But now, we have bounced back to normal. At the same time Happy…

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This last Friday night we went to give the puppies their last pills and prepare for bed… when Happy started shaking her head violently and couldn’t stop. She was shaking her head so much she couldn’t take her pills. We gave her a Benadryl and planned to take her over to the vet first thing…

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