Happy may think she/he is still a young whippersnapper, but old age is creeping in way to quickly to suit us. (I wrote she/he because, try though we may, we have spent fourteen years calling Happy a she/her. Old habits are hard to break)  Anyway,, as I said, our precious Happy still thinks she/he is…

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As we move into the eve of our Fall Equilux, we now declare that our future bedroom has a completed floor! The young men from Adirondack Wood Flooring arrived last Wednesday and removed the bits of spotty old boards that remained.  Then, they proceeded to install the new flooring where walls, a sink, a closet,…

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The pressure is on Scott! The wood from Adirondack Wood Floor Company was delivered last week for our master bedroom floor. Then Friday, JoEllen, from Adirondack Wood Floor Company, called and asked if they could install and sand our floor today.  Scott panicked… “Oh no! Could they install our flooring a little later in the…

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To all our friends and family in Hawai’i and along the Carolinas we send our thoughts and prayers for your safety. We may be under construction, but we have floor space should you need shelter.  A reprieve from the toils of our construction… A moment of, what we hope you consider, lightness… Our puppies take…

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It turned out that every room was hooked to our heating system except… the kitchen (which we knew) and the sewing room! The room we have been camped out in for months! Turns out they did not have the connecting tube to hook up the sewing room to the main system. They planned on bringing…

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Sheetrock covers some of the insulation in our bedroom. Yes, Scott has started installing the ceiling in our bedroom. One man… four by eight foot sheets… way too heavy and awkward… Solution? Just quarter them! Manageable until arms over the head wear out. Please remember… my almost eighteen year old ‘Leap Year’ husband is really…

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September did not wait long before cooling our days. We have new heating coils in every room, but the kitchen. We thought we were good to go.  So yesterday, when the temperature dropped into the forties overnight, then proceeded to remain in the fifties all day, we turned on the heat. But, our cottage did…

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Our plumbing… all those drains and connectors and (I have difficulty considering PVC pipe, but in this day and age, that is now what is considered pipe) pipes are in place. The toilet for the third floor has been carried up both flights of stairs and now stands proudly, waiting to be connected (It will…

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Today our oldest puppy is celebrating her fourteenth Birthday. In human years that would be ninety-eight! Oh, how we should all hope to have her energy at ninety-eight. After her period of mourning for her precious big brother, Josh, she has returned to her frisky and enthusiastic self.  Today, is Happy’s Day… here is a small…

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