
Some of you might remember we are coming to Gloversville without much furniture. Without much furniture might be an understatement. We are bringing a queen-sized bed frame (no mattress), two night stands, and two lamps… that’s it.

We planned to check out Estate Sales and furnish the house bit by bit after we arrived. Well, I looked online just to acquire some knowledge about how Estate Sales worked and what might be available. We were amazed to learn that there are Estate Sales all over the Mainland… all the time… Having lived in Hawaii for so long we became accustomed to a very limited supply of older furniture being available with any kind of reasonable price.

But, let me assure you, looking at Estate Sales is a dangerous thing to do. It wasn’t long before I found a stunning king-sized bed… Stunning!

King-sized bed

I showed it to Scott. He was wowed too! We weighed our options. Yes, another stunning king-sized bed would come along some time in the future. But, would it show up within a reasonable timeframe?

When we arrive in Gloversville we plan on sleeping on the floor until we find a bed, or should we? We talked it over. Wouldn’t it be nice if we actually had a bed to sleep on when we arrived?

We emailed the broker to see if the bed was still available and how much were they asking. It was available! And, at a ridiculously low price that included an almost new high end mattress. So after much back and forth, we agree to purchase this glorious bed. They decided to include a night stand. We made arrangements to have them pick up the pieces and deliver them to our home in Gloversville.

Imagine our surprise when the moving company called us and we were informed that they also picked up a chest of
drawers and an armoire… along wth the king-sized bed, mattress, and night stand…

So we have all the furniture we will ever need for our bedroom on its way to our new home in Gloversville. One room down… lots of rooms to go…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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